Strategy 2023

Schmidt Group continues to grow and invest and is confident about the future, despite some headwinds from an inflationary 2023 and a highly competitive market. Against this challenging backdrop, we have focused on the core of our business objective: to be successful in terms of sales volumes and consumers. Thanks to the commitment and agility of the entire Extended Enterprise, we have shown resilience in adapting to new situations and ended the year with results we can be proud of. Our dynamic territorial coverage, our international expansion, our conquest of new channels and the transformation of our sales methods: all these actions taken in the service of the business are proving successful, enabling us to consolidate our position as leader in home improvement.

Ambition 2024

Our main business objective for the coming year is to maintain our level of performance and volume in a market that will become even tighter. By continuing to work on territorial coverage, sales methods, the simplification of tools and numerous other business levers, Schmidt Groupe is staying on course and moving closer to its ambitious strategic objectives in a spirit of commitment and ever-stronger social responsibility.

co-designing to improve the customer experience

COACH, an acronym for “Cuisinella, Optimisation, Accompaniment, Co-design and Human”, is a major project being carried out over the course of 2023 with the aim of rethinking the shopping experience for our consumers and the sales experience for our in-store sales teams.

To better meet customer expectations, shop teams are now working on the principle of co-design, involving customers extensively before, during and after their furnishing projects.

Rolled out in June through training and dedicated tools, the COACH method has borne fruit over the last 6 months of 2023, with an average of 1 additional sale per shop trained per month! And the completion rate improves by more than 20 points when the project presentation is used!

Following this successful launch, the Cuisinella network will continue to roll out and promote the COACH method, while Schmidt will begin a review of its offering and customer experience to boost performance and business!